Monday, November 9, 2009

Why We Should Wear School Uniforms

Uniforms are good in many ways. Students say that they don't all want to look the same. With uniforms that isn't always a problem. I agree with President Clinton's 1996 speech. Uniforms do teach good citizenship. They also teach good value. Public schools should require their students to wear school uniforms.

Students say that they don't want to look the same. In Say No to School Uniforms, they blame school uniforms for not letting them express their individuality. In First Impressions, Shawna persisted "You can still express your individuality." You can alter you uniform to make it look like you. you can pick the shoes you wear. You can also pick which sweaters show you. No one can say your clothes are ugly because your clothes are almost like them.

Not wearing Uniforms makes Students lack self-discipline. Uniforms can stop peer-pressure for students trying to follow fashion trends. In Say No To School Uniforms they say that it doesn't stop peer pressure but it does stop all or most of the pressure. In First Impressions, Shawna says "If your clothes are spotless, if they're wrinkled people with thing you are a slob." This statement is true. School Uniforms look neat and professional and most shirts are ironed when you are going to school and you have a school uniforms. They help police officers identify cutters and return them to their proper school easier.

I agree with President Clinton's quote. It tell reasons that uniforms are good. Uniforms teach good values and help students look neat.


  1. pretty good!!
    I like how u used both stories,i didnt do that
    but u could add more details on why they are good becaus u only added things on first impressions and say no to school uniforms

  2. Kyara-
    Excellent job! a few suggestions:

    In your opening paragraph, your first and second sentence are kind of confusing. Can you make them sound better together?

    Excellent job following the "map" you laid out in your introduction paragraph.

    Put quotation marks around the title of an article or story: In the story "First Impressions," Shawna...

    Good job using direct quotes from each story and then explaining how they support your argument. It is always a good rule to try and have two examples from each story if possible.

    Make sure you read your essay out loud to look for small grammatical errors. For instance, what's the mistake in this sentence?

    It tell reasons that uniforms are good.

    Mr. Enders

    5 = meaning
    4.5 = development (two examples from each story!)
    5 = organization
    4.5 = language

    Total: 19/20
