Friday, November 20, 2009


Cassie is the narrator

Cassie has three little brothers named Little Man, who is 6, and Christopher- John, 7, and an older brother named Stacey who is 12.

They all live in Mississippi in 1933. Cassie's father owns 400 acres of land, but is having trouble paying taxes on the land because the price of cotton dropped. Her father goes to work for the Transcontinental Railroad laying tracks in Louisiana.

Cassie's father is worried that his children might not be able to live on their own land.

"Look out Cassie girl, all that belongs to you. You ain't never had it like that, you ain't ever had to live on nobody's place but your own as long as I live and the family survives." (pg .4)

Cassie is very worrying. She worries about her father on the railroad. Cassie wants him to stay home longer than he does.

Cassie doesn't think that segregation should happen. She thinks that all people should be treated fairly. Cassie doesn't think she should be singled out because of her skin color.

"Ah shoot! White ain't nothin!" (pg 127)

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